Has everyone heard about the Coach Vs. JoAnn Fabric's lawsuit that's going on? Apparently, JoAnn's had produced a fleece fabric (on the bottom right in the picture) that looks very suspiciously like the signature Coach "C's" pattern. Yes, a fleece. I was really hoping to make a home-sewn Coach Snuggie, so I guess since its been pulled from stores I'm out of luck! Anyway, there is now a huge lawsuit going on involving copyright issues.
I can't count the number of times I've spotted fake designer bags. Most often its a bad Louis Vuitton, Coach, Fendi or Prada. I "purse-sonally" do not understand why people would buy a bag that is obviously a fake, because its really not fooling anyone, and the market for fakes is laden with all sorts of shady activity(which one supports if they buy from it, not the designer who deserves the credit).

I would must rather purchase a quality item that is more individual than something that is mass produced, either fake or real; pieces that not everyone can have, but won't break the bank are ideal. So, I've posted a few examples of bags from Cheap Thrills that first of all, aren't fake, and secondly, have lots of personality.
The Ice Cream Bucket purse is an adorable and unique small carrier that is made of wood and is great for someone who really wants something different.
The Dark Red embossed leather piece in the center is a great piece that will transition well from daytime at the office to a relaxed evening out with friends.
The brown leather shoulder strap bag with mushroom motif is so funky and unique, its great for casual days when one needs a little more room to carry around their belongings.
Stop by the store to see more truly unique bags.
What do you think? Is it okay to buy a designer fake? Will Coach or JoAnn's win the lawsuit?
No way its definitely not cool to buy fake bags. Plus they LOOK fake! Ha. Everyone can tell...